Landscape & Learning virtual Activities and Resources Landscape & Learning is a paid work experience program for y outh ages 1417 years who reside within the city limits of Sacramento providing landscape maintenance and general cleanup in our city parks Summer 21 Landscape and Learning Applications are OPEN!There are two types of special landscape districts Community facilities districts (CFD) with additional features, such as lakes, plazas, and pump stations Maintenance districts (MD) are composed of enhanced lighting and landscape features There are 19 special landscape districts, comprising more than 385 acres of enhanced landscapeIn City Landscape, a tangle of pale pink, scarlet, mustard, sienna, and black hues threatens to coagulate or erupt The title suggests a relationship between this ganglion of pigments and the nerves or arteries of an ubran space The sense of spontaneity conveyed in City Landscape, however, belies Mitchell's methods Unlike many of her Silhouette...